NOBODY DOES IT LIKE WE DO!! We already give out cards when your teams don’t show up (in every single break you get into you get a package no matter what!) And we have been doing monthly giveaways for OVER 5 YEARS NOW!!! This is just another month of amazing prizes you can ONLY win through losing!!
If you’re breaking most places, losing isn’t fun any way you cut it, and we’re trying to make losing as good as it gets!! If you’re gonna spend money, spend less of it here and get your chance at these beauties all for losing!!
Even though our prices for new product and product in general are some of the BEST IN THE INDUSTRY, we always follow through with our monthly skunk prizes and this month will not disappoint!
THE ONLY WAY TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR THESE PRIZES IS TO NOT HIT AN AUTOGRAPH, JERSEY (OR LOW #D CARD) GETTING INTO A BREAK THIS MONTH!! So in a break, either you hit an autograph/jersey or you’re eligible for these beastly prizes! It is NOT A GUARANTEE to get one of these if you skunk, but everyone is guaranteed cards (usually in the form of a consolation pack prepared by us if not a skunk prize) if your team doesn’t show at all times. They ALL will be gone before the end of the month!Â